Thursday, December 13, 2007

How the Grinch wage “War on Christmas”

A commentary on a fellow motorist’s editorial

What Happened to Christmas?

Oh… how the Grinch hated Christmas!

The Christmas trees, the greetings,

Offended by the politically incorrect

“War…” he snorted “War on Christmas”

But what to do he ponder

“Ah… speech!” he proclaim

“Censorship is the key”

The exercise thereof

And of the press

Holiday” he demanded

Generic terms is what he wanted

Plain, non-specific

Holiday tree not Christmas tree”

But the people's retort got him thinking

“Shall we put up “holiday tree” for Easter as well!?”

The Grinch knows not what to say

For he know a Christmas tree

Will always be a Christmas tree

In people's heart

“Merry Christmas to you”

They say to him

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