Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Affirmative action still have it’s place

A commentary on a fellow motorist’s editorial

Affirmative action: Preferential Treatment

Foremost, I do believe what happened to my fellow motorist’s, The Long and Short of U.S. Government, mom was unfair and unjust. But I would not go as far to say that Affirmative Action is no longer relevant. I will however say that it was a result of a misguided employer or hiring firm. More on why that is later.

As to the relevant of Affirmative Action in today’s society we cannot say that it is out-dated. One of the Affirmative Action goals is to infuse diversity into our professional and educational experiences. Statistics have shown that diversity within the workplace and school does promote growth. It also provide the disabled and seniors an opportunity in our society. Women also have a better chance to accelerate then before. It is still a fact that women’s salary are on average 20% lower than the average white male who hold the same position. So we cannot say it is an even playing field just yet. However, I do agree with your view that there are race preferential treatments. There is no need for special treatment just for the sole reason being that I am of Asian decent. I don’t consider myself disabled nor there dept that needed to be repay for an Asian American. All it does is promote free loaders in our society. For that I do not support scholarships tailor to a certain group based solely on race or sex.

Back to why I think the employer or hiring firm is misguided. First of all, it is grossly unprofessional and unethical of the employer to talk freely about their hiring decision on that term. Second, employers have no right to terminate an employee in favor for another employee based solely on sex or race. It was careless of them to list the position that wasn’t relevant to what they are looking for. It should’ve stated that it is a contract term and the position is a trainer in that particular field.

In the future I hope the playing field will be set on equal terms for your mom and all women alike.

Related Sites

Sites in favor of:

Affirmative Action and Financial Aid

American Association for Affirmative Action

NOW and Affirmative Action

Myths about Affirmative Action

Sites not in favor of:

American Civil Rights Institute

Center for Equal Opportunity

Center for Individual Rights

National Association of Scholars

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