Thursday, October 18, 2007

Cruel and unusual argument

The Supreme Court had decided to scrutinize the “three drug cocktail” currently being use by most states to conduct lethal injection. The chemical formula of sodium thiopental, pancuronium bromide, and potassium chloride is under legal argument that it is unconstitutional because it can cause excruciating pain, and considered to be a malicious punishment, which violates the Eighth Amendment.

Opponents say sometimes the first given shot, sodium thiopental, an anesthetic, fails to put inmate into full unconsciousness to avoid pain. Followed by the second given shot, pancuronium bromide, which causes paralyzation, leaving the inmate suffered without the ability to struggle. With the third given shot, potassium chloride, to stop the heart which is usually painful.

Numerous of condemned convicts who have gone thru the process since lethal injection is a capital punishment. The given anesthetic shot that failed to render inmates complete unconsciousness during the executions however, was not considered a misconduct. Anesthetics are commonly used in the medical field with the patient’s acknowledgement before an operation. Understandably, sodium thiopental is very effective if it is being administered properly by qualified personnel. So the question should not be if the drugs administered to inmates were ineffective but whether the procedures were properly conducted? Has the Supreme Court missed the vein to the problem?
Court Stays Execution in Nevada
The New York Times - Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Baze V. Rees
Supreme Court file


Primo-dvd-prices said...

Sir, I believe there should be a death penelty in every state. Every method of the death penelty created since we started recording time has been worse than what were adminstrating now. If there should be less painful one, then bring it on. I believe the inmates that are crying about what (in theory) they say causes pain. It has yet to be determined that it does. Do you believe in a system that when one person brutaly muders someone should be able to spend the rest of there life in prison on the taxpayers dime? I would like your opion on your next post sir!

Sleeper I said...

Welcome to Back Seat Government mister PDiddyFS. Your reasoning of how lethal injection is till this day the most humane capital punishment are shared by many and myself. But we are on the question of whether or not our judiciary branch is being played by devil's advocates questioning the effectiveness of the "three shot cocktail”. The question being raised in essence is wasting the "taxpayers dime" since it will not address the root of why the lethal injection process may violate the Eight Amendment. As far as my stand on capital punishment I am a proponent of penalty fitting the crime committed. Our society wants to provide a humane way to the execution process but we shouldn’t guaranty a convicted death row inmate a pain free process. An execution to its end can never be considered a humane process.

Primo-dvd-prices said...

First off sir, I don't appreciate you using big works like "proponent". I don't even know what the 8th Amendment is. Our judiciary Branch is being played. It's all those self-righteous hippies who have nothing better to do but postpone the inevitable. I guess they don't understand what kind of people they are to do these types of crimes that deserve the death penelty. They will continue to hurt people even inside a prison. Yet they say something like the "three shot cocktail" is inhumane. I don't understand why they want to keep them alive? They have caused some much pain to other people.

M said...

There is much to be said about our justice system. The one problem I can see with "three drug cocktail" is there is no way to tell if it is working properly. I do not think those people saying it is against the 8th Amendment should be able to place lethal injection into that category. I personally do not see anything cruel or unusual about the way lethal injection is preformed. I do have to agree, if there is any problem with the lethal injection system it should be looked at by whom performed and attached it to the inmate. If it is being done incorrectly, then, yes it should be fixed and the issue corrected. I do not believe there is a problem with lethal injection or the way it is administered to the inmate. I think this is another way to keep inmates from being brought to the death penalty. I believe in the death penalty and what it stands for. We already have over crowding the jail, because people don’t care what they do to others. Most people who get the death penalty are there because they killed someone else. Why is it okay for them to commit murder in a cruel and unusual manner, but not okay for them to die by other means, than old age.

Haus said...

Just shoot them in the head. There is no pain involved. To be safe, shoot the remains a few more times. I guess you could use a machine gun to give them no chance to feel it.