Sunday, September 23, 2007

American’s habits abroad are being monitor extensively

Civil liberty advocates alleged that the federal government is collecting detail records on U.S. travelers going abroad without the knowledge and consent of the traveler. Beside information that are being use for identity purposes personal items, contacts during the trip, itineraries, reservations, down to the type of hotel bed requested are being recorded. This is part of the Department of Homeland Security efforts on “connecting the dots” to prevent another terrorist attack on the U.S. But activists said that this extensive effort violates the Privacy Act. With the recent effort to make the wiretapping law permanent we, as American citizens, should stay inform of the progress. Whether we think our government is doing this with the best or worst intention. It is our privacy that is being compromise.
Collecting of Details on Travelers Documented
Washington Post - Saturday, September 22, 2007; Page A01